TRANSACTWORLD is an FCA licensed eMoney Institution providing a state of the art Payment Processing Solution representing an essential infrastructure component for the card not-present industry. Being a single entry hub to global markets our platform offers a bridge between merchants and financial institutions. Throughout the world history, UK was vital center of successful trade. TRANSACTWORLD as a UK based company retains that culture enabling global transactions in a SIMPLE, SECURE, SWIFT and SCALABLE environment. TRANSACTWORLD is passionated about delivering high quality services and continuously develops its system and tools to benchmark the industry.
Simple and Easy Integration
Our easy and full documented REST API allows you to start your integration immediately. You can simply copy the code from our documentation page and start testing. You can use our API for authorizing, capturing and refunding a payment as well as getting information of previous payments. All API’s are built to the latest development standards and will help to speed up the merchant boarding.
Secure Transaction
The TRANSACTWORLD UK Platform is implemented and audited according to the latest payment card security standards. On-going enhancements of security policies, technologies and processes ensure secure handling of card holder’s and other sensitive personal data. Our Platform is PCI DSS certified following operational and technical requirements for storing, processing and transmitting cardholder data.
Swift Merchant Onboarding
Our Boarding Manager is a powerful tool that automates the merchant boarding as much as possible and is a solid guide through the entire process. We have tailored forms to fit the needs of specific banks only asking for the required fields but also have forms that fit a multitude of acquirers. All merchant data can be securely saved for sending application packages to multiple acquirers. Information needs to be filled in only once. Paperless processing of rendering the contract is available for the banks that accept e-signed contracts.
Scalable Platform
Our Platform is built to support your business wherever your clients are. Whether you are selling in UK only or serve an international customer base. We are integrated with international banks and payment providers allowing you to expand your business globally. In the past we also have completed a lot of custom developments for our clients in need of a special functionality or API to conquer within their market segment. Even if we don’t have the right solution integrated right now – contact us to discuss and get you connected.
TWUK is hosted in secure and fully redundant 24x7x365 datacenters and built to enable all different international payment methods needed to support your country specific business. Needless to say our System is PCI DSS certified and with our efficient development suites, well documented web and mobile SDKs as well as our multi lingual support team will get you started in no time.

M-Transact is a secure e-wallet designed for the UK market. This smartphone application replaces physical card payments, catering to various sectors. In education institutes, it offers features like student ID storage and fee payments. For housing societies, it enables rent and utility bill payments, along with streamlined communication. Money transfer services support international migrants and business professionals. Residential and commercial customers benefit from utility bill payment features. Retail loyalty consolidates multiple loyalty programs, benefiting shoppers and retailers. PSP payments integrate with popular platforms for secure online transactions. Travel remittance and mobile marketplaces offer comprehensive financial solutions. M-Transact also includes user-friendly features like multi-channel support, payment to merchants via QR codes, and order management.

TWUK Risk Tracker is a platform module detecting, analyzing and managing transactions, behaviors and habits of your customers. Collecting and analyzing as many data points as possible and acting accordingly are vital elements to manage and fully control your online transactions and more important safeguarding your compliance status. The TWUK Risk Tracker helps your support team to actively consult clients if needed and avoid high return rates or chargebacks.

TWUK Boarding Manager is a platform module designed to speed up the merchant boarding process with any bank and alternative payment method. By selecting a bank you will get a tailored online form only asking for the very specific data in need to complete the contract. Once entered your data is securely stored and available for further applications and contracts like the mandatory PCI merchant questionnaire. Multiple data entries can be a pain especially if you have to apply for a multitude of banks and countries. The TWUK Boarding manager is the perfect solution for a paperless and smooth boarding with those partners who allow digital signatures.

It has never been so easy to send and share Invoices.
INVOIZR, a smartphone application for creating online invoices which replaces the need to buy expensive POS machines. INVOIZR enables the merchant to share invoice with their customers using mediums like WhatsApp, SMS, Mail etc. and to get paid online. Using INVOIZR merchant can Generate, Share, Cancel and Regenerate the invoices and can also send reminder to their customers. It is fully integrated with TWUK platform invoicing solution to provide a web interface as well. This Simple and Easy yet powerful tool saves time and money for both the merchant and their customers.

For higher security level, TWUK Platform applies dozens of fraud rules and external partners’ fraud engines for every processed transaction.
TWUK Platform is PCI DSS compliant and every customer of the Platform becomes automatically PCI DSS compliant.
TWUK Platform provides you acceptance of major payment methods including credit cards and debit cards.
For your business expansion beyond borders, TWUK Platform enables processing transactions in various currencies.
TWUK Platform uses efficient development suites, web and mobile SDKs allow you to integrate easily with the Platform within minutes.
TWUK Platform keeps you updated of your real time performance with deep insights into your performance with marked points for improvement.

The TWUK Platform provides powerful transaction processing APIs and various other modes of integration. The tutorial provides all necessary information for a seamless integration. The TWUK Documentation web site describes how to integrate with our REST API and how to use all the platform services. It represents various methods of implementing online payments in e-stores via different services and is dedicated primarily to developers that want to implement the TWUK payment system.
Contact us to learn more about -TWUK Platform.